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Welcome to Christ Church New Brighton, Staten Island, New York

A Warm Welcome Awaits You

Our mission statement: FELLOWSHIP and COMMUNITY OUTREACH based on real need that encourages participation and a sense of belonging:

  • Traditional Anglican faith-based WORSHIP with an emphasis on music
  • Loving and compassionate PASTORAL CARE focussed on real need
  • Encouraging the participation and understanding of belonging for our CHILDREN & YOUTH

Service Times

Morning Prayer Rite I at 7:30 am
Holy Eucharist Rite II at 9:00 a.m.
YouTube link

Monday through Friday

6 AM Morning Prayer Rite I in the Chapel

175th Anniversary Celebration

This Sunday, September 8th, is the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost.
As per our Summer Schedule, there is one service
today at 9am in-person and via YouTube.
The liturgical color is GREEN.
Sunday School Classes will resume in September.

The Rev. Trevor R. Babb, Rector, Christ Church New BrightonFrom the Rector's Desk

Dear Saints of God,

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Christ.

Last week, Thursday, August 22, 2024, I traveled to PA to visit our beloved Laura Craig, who, although still grieving the loss of her husband and two sons in a short period of time, was in very good spirits. I had called weeks before to let her know I was coming to visit, so it was not a surprise when I showed up. I was ably assisted in the visit by her loving daughter-in-law, Candice, who called while I was on the way to ensure I had the right address. The traffic got very tight as I approached the PA border, but quickly returned to normal flow as soon as I entered PA proper. The staff at the Assisted living facility was very polite and professional.

After several minutes of the usual greetings and introductions to the staff we talked, and I answered many questions she had about the well-being of the church. She was eternally grateful to all who continue to remember her through cards and phone calls. It was a bright and sunny day so I asked if she would like to enjoy a short walk around the circle in front of the building. She was delighted to do so, but I first sought the permission of the staff for such an exercise. It was indeed an exercise since she does not frequent outside alone. After talking and walking for about 10 minutes it was almost time for lunch. She extended hospitality to me, and I joined her for lunch as she boldly and proudly introduced me to the staff. Let me assure you that Laura is being well taken care of by the staff at Highgate C Paoli Pointe Assisted Living.

A visit with Laura Craig

With lunch completed, we returned to her room where we shared in the Holy Eucharist with anointing as we waited for Candice and Laura's grandson, John, to arrive. They arrived and we were again wrapped in conversation with lots of smiles as she enjoyed their presence and ongoing support. In all, I spent a wonderful four hours of pastoral care with such a fine seasoned saint of God. I was very satisfied that her care was of the highest quality. The photos below speak to her care and contentment as she navigates the loss of her dear loved ones. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Not everyone may be able to take the trip to 600 Paoli Drive, Room 110 but I invite us to write, call and share the gospel with her. Pray also for Candice and John as they too still grieve the loss of Vincent, their husband and dad.

May God's grace and peace forever abound with Mrs. Laura Craig!

Fr. Trevor+

Summer Worship Schedule

Noonday Prayer and Quiet Reflection

Fr. Trevor is continuing his 15 week series featuring lessons from the book "A Manual for the Art of Living" by Rev. Henderson Brome for our Facebook Live Noonday Prayer and Short Reflection.
Click the link below to watch the most recent broadcast.
Noonday Prayer 08/15/24 - Lessons on
"A Manual For The Art of Living" Week 13.
"Time is your most precious gift, but it is fleeting. Use it wisely"

Did You Know?

It's that time of year again. Back to School! With school just beginning for some, or recently started, here are some fun school facts.

Did you know that...There are approximately 33 million elementary school children in the U.S, 17 million kids attending high school, and 8.8 little ones in nursery schools and kindergartens. All told, including college students, and about 78 million kids head back to school every fall. There are also about 8 million teachers in the U.S.

Did you know that...Back to School has also become its own shopping phenomenon? In fact, the majority of parents will spend more than $100 on back to school shopping. The average family spends $700 in school supplies every year, adding up to $80 billion in annual sales! They have plenty of choices where to buy back to school clothing and supplies, with 7,351 children and infants clothing stores; 25,214 shoe stores; 6,823 office supply and stationery stores; 6,888 bookstores; and 7,898 department stores. Polls reveal which items parents "hate buying." Here are the results: 32% Textbooks, 25% Clothing, 19% Electronics, 18% Supplies, and 7% Sports equipment.

Did you know that...School buses have been around since 1915? School buses have been around as long as the automobile, but the official color of bright yellow wasn't adopted until 1939. Across the country, there are approximately 480,000 registered school buses, taking 26 million children to and from school every day. By eliminating the need for each parent to get their own kid to school, school buses help keep an estimated 17.3 million cars off the road every year, saving 2.3 billion gallons of fuel.

Bonus fact: Didaskaleinophobia is the acute fear of going to school, which affects about 2.4% of all children. But the good news is that approximately two-thirds of all children (66.7%) like school.

SYC: Episcopal Youth Summer Conference

This past week, our young people immersed themselves in a vibrant environment of faith, fellowship, and fun, at the Episcopal Summer Youth Conference at Camp Incarnation in Connecticut. Welcome home!

SYC: Episcopal Youth Summer Conference

Online Morning Prayer

Online Morning Prayer with Bishop Heyd Every Weekday at 8 a.m.
On Zoom at:
Please note that you'll need to register before you join.

Click here register.



Knitting Club

Knitting Club is back from summer hiatus. Meetings are bi-weekly every 2nd Thursday of the month. Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 12th, 2024, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please note the new time slot. All are welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Finance Workshop

All persons who have received an email, please be reminded of this workshop on Saturday, September 07, 2024, at 10:00 am at the church, in the Guild room. Your attendance is very important.

Outdoor Services

Sunday, September 8th, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., followed by the Parish Picnic. Join us as we come together in faith and fellowship in the beauty of the outdoors.

Parish Picnic

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming parish picnic.
We kindly ask for donations of the following items: 8 bottles of 2-liter sodas, coleslaw, pasta salad, potato salad, and desserts. We will also need volunteers for set up and clean up.
If you can contribute or volunteer, please reach out to Sheila Hewitt at 718-447-8049, Connie Black or Buster Black 718-876-0667 . They are happy to coordinate with you regarding your desired donations.
We encourage everyone to come out and participate in this wonderful annual event.

Asylum Seekers Program

There are several job opportunities with the Asylum Seekers Program hosted at Christ Church. If you are interested in a position please contact Nick Lettiere at 917-923-1884.

Christ Church 175th Anniversary Committee

To make our 175th Anniversary Journal truly special, the committee is reaching out to each of you for your contributions. We invite you to share your photos, historical clippings, articles, documents, and other items featuring Christ Church for consideration/inclusion in our anniversary journal. Rest assured, all original items submitted will be carefully handled and returned to their owners once the journal production is complete. Thank you for your support and for helping us commemorate this historic milestone. We can't wait to see the memories you share!
Christ Church 175th Anniversary Luncheon: If you have not received your invitation to the 175th Anniversary Luncheon in honor of Christ Church New Brighton please contact the office Parish office at your earliest convenience.

Parish Prayer List

The following individuals have requested our prayers:
Gary Allen, Betty Babb, Elma Babb, Erma Babb, Marcella Babb, Linda Blanchette, Chris Broderick, Deborah Broome, Eva Charney, Tulin Cileli, Marcia Clendenen, Sandra Cocks, Iris Colbourne, Carmen Conrado, Barbara Corregan, Laura Craig, Athelridge Cumberbatch, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Ira Davis, Anne Devlin, Aria Durant, Marlene Elia, Garfield Evans, Christy Mary Finlay, Julio Gambuto, Sebastian Gattullo, Hersh Goldman-Polin, Steven Haley, Avion Hernandez-Elcock, Emilia, James Jackson, Tom, Jan and Mark, Jerry Keucher, Michael Kelly, Erica Korzekwinski, Jenna Love, Willie Marcus, The McIntosh Family, Eva McClary, Charles Price, T. Rauch, Chuck Reilly, John Rhoades, Edna Richardson, Deborah Rollock, Leila Rollock, Pastor Junior Ross, Barnett Shepherd, Daphne, Joyce & Eric Smith, Tom Smith, Thomas Sox, Erma St. Louis, Valerie Thompson, Fred & Rob Tucher, Lucille Williams, Roger Williams, Marsha Wynter, Debbie Vurckio, Joan Yearwood, and the people of The Girls and Boys of Heartshare St. Vincent's Services.

Please Note: The Prayer List is intended to uphold and encourage those who need healing prayers. If persons have been fully recovered and no longer need to be lifted up in this way, please let us know so that we can make room for others. This list will be updated every three months unless otherwise notified. If you need a loved one or friend to remain on the list, please call the parish office. Thank you!

Pray for the repose of the souls of all the faithful departed. May their souls rest in peace.

We pray for comfort to the families and communities impacted by gun and knife violence, and for the will and determination to enact appropriate gun control legislation and promote a culture of safety.

We pray for the families and souls of victims of Apalachee High School who lost their lives to gun violence. We pray for the community and the people of the state of Georgia.

We pray for an end to armed conflict and lift up the people of Palestine, Israel, Haiti, Ukraine, Russia, and Sudan in the hopes that they can move towards peace and diplomacy.

We pray for those who are suffering from the impacts of systemic racism, and for those who are committed and working towards change, unity, and equality for all peoples.

We pray for all those negatively impacted by climate, environmental, and naturally occurring disasters.

We pray for our young people and all those who have started a new academic year.

We give thanks to God for the following individuals who are celebrating their Birthdays this week. Athene Robinson (9), Lurleana McKinney (11), Kimara Jean-Mary (13).

We give thanks to God for the individuals who are celebrating their wedding anniversaries this week.

In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for The Church of the Province of Myanmar (Burma).

In the Diocese of New York, we pray for +Michael our Presiding Bishop; +Sean our Presiding Bishop and Primate Elect, +Matthew, +Allen, and +Mary, our Bishops; Trevor+ our Rector; Union of Black Episcopalians, Diocese of New York Chapter; St. Paul's Church, Staten Island; Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross, New York Chapter; In solemn remembrance of all who died on September 11, 2001, or in the aftermath of the tragedy, with prayers for the healing of all who yet suffer or grieve, and with gratitude to God for all who served as first responders, chaplains, medical care personnel, rescue and recovery workers, and rebuilders; and with hope for equitable distribution across the world of lifegiving medical care; Holyrood Church, Iglesia Santa Cruz, Manhattan; and Holy Cross Church, Iglesia de la Santa Cruz, Kingston.